Small Child Development Support Center in Jarosław
Small Child Development Support Center in Jarosław Meeting the needs- caring for the youngest
Since April 11 2016 thanks to the VELUX Foundations, small children from the Podkarpackie region who are disabled or in danger of becoming disabled, are able to benefit from specialist support and help. Due to the 4 million PLN grant from the VELUX Foundations, a modern building was erected in Jarosław.
There, complex rehabilitation is offered to children with development disorders and those born prematurely, in danger of becoming disabled.
The Center offers its support to children in need, from the entire region, especially those from rural areas and small towns. It is estimated that over 400 children will benefit from the free of charge care each year.
The Center is the only such facility in region municipalities, where a multi- disciplinary team comprised of doctors, physical specialists, pedagogues, speech therapists and other specialists, will thoroughly and in a complex way care for the needs of each child, its full development and will strengthen the functioning of its family.
The building of the Center is supported from the PFRON resources in disposition of the Podkarpackie Self- Government
It is worth mentioning that the building, equipping and running of the regional Small Child Development Support Center is the second project implemented by PSOUU Koło w Jarosławiu which found approval in the VELUX Foundations. Thanks to the Danish Foundations, in the years 2013 – 2015, an innovative House of Independence has been created in Jarosław. This house serves children and young adults with intellectual disabilities in life independence trainings.